24, 25 and 26 october, 2007
Palais des Congrés of Montréal - Canada
Climate Change
► Parallel Session 1
Coal is the largest source of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions and by 2030 is projected to contribute nearly 40% of global emissions. One of the most critical challenges in addressing climate change is wide-scale deployment of technologies to capture carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants and bury them underground.
Michael D. DANCISON, Director, New Generation Development, American Electric Power , USA
Mark DEMCHUK, Team lead Weyburn, Encana, Canada
Franklin M. ORR, Jr., Director, Global Climate and Energy Project, Stanford University, USA
Truman SEMANS, Director of Market and Business, Pew Center on Global Climate Change, USA
Brian WILLIAMS, Manager, CO2 geological storage, BP, USA
Energy use in homes and offices is a large and growing source of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Developing environmental management services as well as innovative design and stronger building codes can lead to cleaner on-site energy, greater energy efficiency and a new generation of “smart buildings” that reduce emissions and energy costs without sacrificing comfort or functionality.
Robert S. BENNETT, Clinton Climate Initiative, William J Clinton Foundation, USA
Simon KNIGHT, President and CEO, Climate Change Central (C3), Canada
Bernard SAINT ANDRE, Executive Vice-President, Strategy, Dalkia, France
William M. SISSON, Director, Sustainability, UTRC, Co-Chair WBCSD Buildings Project, United Technologies Corporation, Canada
Following Brazil’s dramatic ethanol success, other countries are turning to biofuels to help reduce emissions and dependence on oil imports. As scientists and investors aim for the next generation of biofuel technologies, the key challenge for policymakers will be securing biofuels’ energy and climate benefits without driving up food prices or introducing new environmental risks.
Tom BROWNE, Program Manager, Mechanical Pulping and Sustainability, Paprican, Canada
Jesse S. FLEMING, Technical Advisor, Fuels Policy and Programs, Natural Resources Canada
Timothy R. HAIG, President and CEO, BIOX Corporation, Canada
Dennis MAGYAR, Industry Manager North America, DuPont Biofuels, USA