Universal access to electricity is now a priority for the international community through the Sustainable Development Goal 7 “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”. This side event will showcase innovative solutions in decentralized electricity access, which contribute to the development of poor and remote areas in developing countries and are implemented by local actors. The side event will demonstrate how, in many cases, decentralized electrification is a faster, more affordable and reliable solution for the development and growth of rural and some peri-urban areas.
This side event will be animated by Christophe Angely – Head of Strategy at FERDI
- Rachita Misra (SELCO Foundation - Senior Program Manager) on energy kiosks in informal settlements in India
- Marion Allet (PAMIGA - Senior Programme Officer, Environment & Microfinance) on individual solar systems with microfinance in Ethiopia, Cameroon and Kenya
- Hervé Gouyet (Electriciens sans frontières - President) on mini-grid with pico hydro turbines in Laos
- Benoit Leguet (Institute for climate economics - General Director)
- Pierre Carpentier (Investisseurs et Partenaires – Chief Investment Officer) on the issues of financing decentralized electrification projects
This event will take place in the « green zone » dedicated to civil society (room 4)
For more information, please contact:
Victor Béguerie [email protected]
Emmanuelle Rica [email protected]